Below you will find chronological publications
of Stephanie Vallianatos.
Taking control of one’s own life from the perspective of parents with a child with a lif-limiting or life-threatening illenss: A qualitative study.
After my review about the concept of control, an article about taking control from the perspective of parents. In Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatal Medicine, juli 2022.
Taking Control: What do we mean and how can it work for parents and childeren with chronic illness?
A review article about control in the context of families with a child with chronic illness. In Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatal Medicine, oktober 2021.
Development of the Dutch Structure for Integrated Children’s Palliative Care
Article about the developments of Children’s palliative care in The Netherlands over the past 15 years in Journal Children, august 27, 2021
First regional network to improve children’s palliative care in the Netherlands
The article describes the development of the first regional Network Children’s Palliative Care in the Netherlands.
The Emma Home team takes palliative care to children in the Netherlands
This article describes the development of a Children’s Palliative Care team in the Netherlands since 2012.