Since 1991 I am deeply involved in the broad field of healthcare. From district nurse I developed to become an innovator and project leader. Since 2018, my focus switched more and more to advice and research. Driven by the fact that innovations really stick, I want to deepen the connection between practice and science.

Innovator, advisor, researcher, PhD
LinkedIn profile
Expertise areas:
“What matters to them”, integrated care, children’s palliative care

Stephanie Vallianatos, born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands 21th april 1966, is an innovator, advisor, and researcher in the broad field of healthcare.
Stephanie is trained as a nurse and started working in 1991 as a district nurse for the home care as well as for the consultation office for parents from newborns to 4-year old’s. In 1993 she started to study nursing management and at the same time worked as a care manager in the home care. In that period, she led several innovation projects especially with the focus on the development of childcare in the home situation. In 2003 she started to study the master Healthcare management, in 2004 she graduated on the subject entrepreneurship in the transition of care for the elderly.
In 2006 she decided to start her own business as an innovator and project leader to focus fully on quality improvement in healthcare with focus on patient’s perspective. Her portfolio contains various innovation projects in the social domain with regard to youth care, social support and homecare.
During the same period, she joined a network focused on improving children’s palliative care. In 2007, she co-founded Stichting PAL, an organization dedicated to children’s palliative expertise. Since then, she has been working on the development of a nationwide structure for professional pediatric palliative care. As of 2023, she has been closely involved in the National Program for Palliative Care (NPPZ2), where she serves as project leader for initiatives concerning the transition of palliative care from 18- to 18+ and for making the “undiscussable discussable.”
Between 2018 and 2021, Stephanie was project leader for the program Wij zien je Wel (We See You), where she initiated the Copiloten pilot. Wij zien je Wel focuses on improving the quality of life for families with a child who has Severe Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities (ZEVMB). During this time, she also contributed to the establishment of a ZEVMB Knowledge Center, which aims to increase awareness, knowledge, and expertise while promoting appropriate solutions for these families. Her intensive experiences with these children and their families have left her deeply committed and motivated to improve care for them.
In addition, Stephanie, together with Loes van Weert, co-founded Stichting Niamh, a foundation that supports the growth and development of vulnerable (young) women. Since 2024, Bram van der Loon and Indy Simin have taken over leadership of the foundation, while Stephanie remains involved as a supervisor and advisor.
Her latest project, since 2023, is the improvement of the quality of life for children with palliative care in the transition from under 18 to over 18 years old. Within the National Program for Palliative Care 2023-2026, subsidized by the Ministry of Health, Science, and Sports, she is conducting a project with the aim of achieving continuous proactive care and support for young people and their families during the transitional phase of palliative care from under 18 to over 18. This should lead to care that is more aligned with the life and personal context of young people.She is working in close collaboration with the children’s and adult palliative care networks and teams, as well as with parents.
Furthermore, Stephanie was, together with Loes van Weert, founder of the Niamh Foundation. Niamh stimulates the growth and empowerment of vulnerable (young) women.
In recent years Stephanie focused her work more on advice and research. In 2017, parallel to her work, she started a PhD research about ‘How control plays a role in the interaction between the care professional and the family with a medical care-intensive child in order to achieve better outcomes’.
Stephanie get things done. Her strength is that she contributes from a discovering nature to the creation of creative connections and innovative solutions.
Academic: Master Health care management, Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management (MSc 2004)
Post University: Nursing management, University of Rotterdam (diploma 1995)
University: Nursing, University of Rotterdam (diploma 1991)
High school: VWO (diploma 1985)